How to Buy MAN (Matrix AI Network) coin in India

How to Buy MAN (Matrix AI Network) coin in India 

You need to verify your identity with some documents before you set up an account online with a crypto exchange. Various exchanges will have different rules when it comes to account setup however, the following things are good to have on hand to make the process faster:

  • You may need to upload photos of your Aadhaar card or other acceptable ID 
  • A mobile phone you can use for two-factor authentication 
  • A secure method of cryptocurrency storage. Most brokerages will have a good built-in wallet or secure vault system that you can use

Once you have all these things and have set up your account on an exchange, you are ready to invest in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Here are the steps you can take to make your first purchases: 

  1. Sign in to your crypto exchange account of choice
  1. Select the brokerage’s option to buy crypto, then make sure you have selected the correct digital asset you are trying to buy. For example, you can choose coins like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Binance Coin (BNB), or Matrix AI Network (MAN). Different exchanges will have other currency options available, so you make sure they support the crypto you would like to invest in before setting up an account. 
  1. Choose how much you would like to purchase and make sure you have enough amount deposited in your brokerage to cover the transaction. 
  1. Preview your purchase and make sure you are comfortable with the current price of the cryptocurrency and know the market’s overall trend at the time. You may also want to check if the government has made any further changes to the legality of crypto within the past few days.
  1. If the details look correct, click “buy” to complete your purchase. You can then store your new assets on the exchange's built-in wallet or transfer them to other hot or cold storage.


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